How To Get Started With Dog Whistle Training? Dogtrainingeasy No Comment

This type of whistle is a voice command used when the dog is out of sight. It is a training process that starts in basic commands such as sit, stay, and come.The next thing will be training your dog with whistles. We will show you how to get started with dog-whistle training below!

About Dog’s Hearing Ability

Dogs are like wolves, who can hear even the tiniest sound just to capture prey. They can also hear sounds very well what humans hope to hear.
Fur babies are too sensitive in hearing higher-pitched sounds from 47,000 up to 65,000 hertz.As you observe,cleaning the house with a vacuum cleaner easily freaks them out.
With that, ultrasonic whistles will work for dogs. It produces sounds loud to dogs but safe for humans.You can gently blow this type of whistle without forcing your lungs.

Seven Steps in Dog Whistle Training

The steps below require consistency on your part. Among the other dog training, this could be the easiest to perform. Do not forget to give your pet dog a treat to reward his obedience.

Step 1: Schedule Training

Not all the time the dog needs to hear the sound of the whistle. Set a schedule when to use the whistle in a consistent manner.Consider preparing short session training daily, you may start with a few minutes on the first day. 15-minutes of training a day is enough not to abuse a dog’s attention span.
Blow the whistle in times of feeding, cuddling, and walking outdoors. Limit the whistling time as much as possible in doing important commands.

Step 2: Start at Home

Start to blow the whistle when the dog is calm. Once he draws near to you, reward him. Continue doing it until the dog learns what are whistling supposed to say.Let the other members of the family do the whistle for the dog not to overly at home with one person.
Training will be better when started at home. Dogs that are well-trained inside the house will be easier to train outdoors.

Step 3: Leash the Dog

A distracted dog cannot follow commands instantly. Train your dog in a closed room to run away from possible distractions. Start with a voice command and then by the whistle. And when the dog responds correctly, reward him with a treat.
Use a leash or head collar to keep the pet calm during the training. It provides additional control over the dog and lessens the time of chasing him around the house for training.Release the force when the dog responds. Repeat the command until the dog obeys consistently.

Step 4: Use a Verbal Cue

Since dogs are more responsive to verbal commands, you can start with verbal cues.A simple command like sit, stay and down can be your first step to get the dog’s attention.Say a basic command and then a whistle command to associate your dog with a “recall” command.
You may do it regularly to train the dog to distinguish basic commands from whistle commands. Begin during the early stage of a dog’s life to make him obedient growing up.

Step 5: Do it in Public

If you are confident enough to your dog’s ability to follow whistle command, practice the command in public.Make sure to perform the training in a confined area not to harm anyone.The dog must be at the right age this time. They must not be running away or easily distracted, which is a great sign of doing whistle command in public.
The whistle command’s purpose is to make the dog return to you immediately. Well-trained dogs are better to respond whenever their owner does a recall.Give your dog a treat after obeying a whistle command.
Set a particular time to do whistle command in public. Perhaps walking your dog outdoor is the best time for training.

Step 6: Treat Training

Dog treats are the best parts of training a pet dog. Give dogs an expectation to genuinely follow your commands. Love and affection may not work in the first sessions, but some treats are more tempting.
You can buy a pouch of dog treats and bring them during short training sessions. Just give him a dog treat once he follows your commands. Add praises and belly rubs after he got the treat. Do it again and until the dog understands the real purpose of the treat.

Step 7: Use Secondary Rewards

Primary rewards include dog treats, which are used whenever the dog responds to every command. As time goes by, the pet dog will become more obedient in commands. A simple treat may not be enough this time, so replacing the reward with the love and stroking is necessary.
Time will come when you will be lacking food treats at home. You can replace it with a simple tap on dogs head or saying the words “good boy!”
There are two benefits of secondary rewards as such. They are a great alternative to treats because treats are not convenient at all times. Second is it helps dogs to respond even without a treat. It makes training a lot more convenient and cost-effective as well.

Does Whistle Training Work for Deaf Dogs?

Some dog breeds are prone to deafness and it will be hard for them to hear a regular training whistle.You may use emergency whistle with a lower frequency to help hard-of-hearing dogs go after the training.Perform hand signals to support the sound produced by the whistle.
However, the whistle device here is too loud for humans. Protect yourself with the help of hearing tools.

Final Say

To sum it up,dog-whistle training must be mixed up with verbal commands and hand signals to take effect. It requires consistency and patience to finally make the dog respond to whistle commands.A whistle command helps a dog owner to communicate with their pet even in the middle of loud noises.
Ask for professional help to understand training issues. They know better for the good of your pet dog.
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